
STS Highlights February 2022

Posted in Blog on February 15th, 2022.

STS Highlights: February 2022

February is our shortest month of the year and thematically, the busiest with Black History Month, Valentine’s Day, Random Acts of Kindness Month, and Canned Food Month. As we navigate through the year, I am choosing a positive outlook and hope you do too. In line with February themes, I plan to focus on:

  • Promoting inclusion and diversity
  • Practicing sexual harassment awareness
  • Engaging in random acts of kindness
  • Providing a local food pantry with donated canned goods

In keeping with monthly themes, I’ve curated the resources below.


Find Your Local Food Pantry

Find Your Local Food Pantry is not associated with any government agency or nonprofit organization. Use this website to find and connect with a local food pantry to learn about upcoming food distributions, apply for food programs, or make donations.

Find a Local Food Pantry

Random Acts of Kindness

Random Acts of Kindness

The work to create a kinder world never ends. You are invited to join the annual Random Acts of Kindness Day (RAK DAY) celebration on February 17, 2022. Spread kindness all month!

Learn More

Valentines Day Cards

FREE Valentine’s Day Cards

Celebrate Valentine’s Day by printing out these free Valentine’s Day cards. They’ll “drive you wild!”

Download & Print Set One

Download & Print Set Two

Sexual Harassment In the Workplace

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

This infographic explains the 5 different types of sexual harassment found in the workplace.

View or Print

Diversity Training

Diversity Training

February is the perfect time to discuss diversity, communication, tolerance, and respect. Consider this online diversity training combo of courses.

Enroll Now

Sexual Harassment Awareness Training

Sexual Harassment Awareness Training Courses

Includes 4 independent lessons:

• Introduction to Sexual Harassment
• Sexual Harassment Awareness Overview
• Sexual Harassment in the Office
• Sexual Harassment: Prevention and Response

View Courses

It's Flu Season!

It’s Flu Season!

The CDC’s recommendation for getting a flu vaccine for the 2021-22 flu season is: GET THE SHOT! Flu viruses are constantly changing so it’s not unusual for new ones to appear. A lot of research goes into each year’s vaccine. You should not wait for activity to be rising or high in your community to get a flu shot. The best way to reduce the risk of flu and its potentially serious complications is by getting vaccinated each year.

CDC Influenza Resources

Covid-19 & Variants

Covid-19 & Variants

Prevention Measures to protect against respiratory illness like Covid-19 and Variants remain largely the same.

  • Get vaccinated and boosted.
  • Wear a mask.
  • Stay 6 feet away from others.
  • Avoid crowds and poorly ventilated spaces.
  • Test to prevent spread to others.
  • Wash your hands often.
  • Cover coughs and sneezes.
  • Clean and disinfect.
  • Monitor your health daily.

Learn More


NAPT Certification

  • Earn Competitive Advantage
  • Increase Earning Potential
  • Update Knowledge, Skills, & Abilities
  • Build Professional Credibility
  • Network within the Industry

NAPT Certification

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