
Video Blog – 5/3/13 – News and Updates

Posted in Blog, Sharing the Road, Video Blog on May 3rd, 2013.


Sharing the Road & School Training Solutions (STS) UPDATES

My weekly updates:

Hello everyone. Thank you for visiting the School Training Solutions Website and watching my weekly video blog.

The Sharing the Road Campaign is still going strong. The online course is available at the discounted ($20.00) rate until the end of May. In June we will offer the Threat of Road Rage, and in July we will offer a different course.

In July Team STS is participating in RAGBRAI – which is a very large bicycle ride across the state of Iowa. We were selected as part of the lottery system for participants.

Team STS is also participating in a couple local runs this weekend. Look for us at the Pensacola Fiesta 10K run and the Navarre Beach Sunset Stampede 5K run.

If you are interested in our Sharing the Road campaign please visit:

I also have a T-shirt Challenge running until June 17th to honor those affected by the Boston Marathon attack. You can see that progress on the STS Blog or on twitter. @SchoolTraining#tshirtchallenge.

Before I sign off, I wanted to remind everyone that May is National Bike Month. You may see more people on bicycles. Slow down and give them room.

Stay safe and continue sharing the road!

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