
STS Highlights January 2022

Posted in Blog on January 18th, 2022.

STS Highlights: January 2022

Each January marks a time when people sit down, take stock, and make resolutions or set goals for themselves. This year we look at Resolution Alternatives with the hopes that they may prove successful and help boost self-confidence and positivity.

If you don’t already know, January is National Human Trafficking Awareness Month. It’s a hard topic to broach, but it is one that EVERYONE should take the time to learn about. Our friends at Busing On the Lookout and Truckers Against Trafficking provide the training resources you need to make a difference. They now have a School Bus Driver specific course.

In addition, we’ve curated some important safety reminders and resources for the new year.

May this year come with lots of laughter and an abundance of success!


March is National Human Trafficking Awareness Month

Alternative Suggestions for New Year’s Resolutions

  • Create a personal Mission Statement.
  • Compile a bucket list.
  • Write a letter to your future self.
  • Create a monthly challenge.
  • Join a yearly challenge.
  • Pick something personal to track or measure.
  • Practice mindfulness / meditation.
  • Form realistic “To …” lists.
  • Build a vision board.
  • Reboot an area of your life.
  • Use a word or mantra of the week or month.
  • Decide on one-word for the year. (Choose one word that gives you clarity and focus and summarizes what you want for the year.)
  • Perform gratitude exercises. (Examples: gratitude journaling or periodic “I’m grateful for…” statements.)
  • Construct a jar of goals. (Choose non-time specific goals: pick a goal from the jar; achieve it; repeat.)

If your goals, resolutions, or alternatives include additional education and training, consider our online options.

See Online Courses

January is National Human Trafficking Awareness Month

January is National Human Trafficking Awareness Month

The pupil transportation industry has a key role to play in combating human trafficking, particularly as frontline employees may be coming into contact with victims of human trafficking in the course of their everyday jobs.

Learn More

It's Flu Season!

It’s Flu Season!

The CDC’s recommendation for getting a flu vaccine for the 2021-22 flu season is: GET THE SHOT! Flu viruses are constantly changing so it’s not unusual for new ones to appear. A lot of research goes into each year’s vaccine. You should not wait for activity to be rising or high in your community to get a flu shot. The best way to reduce the risk of flu and its potentially serious complications is by getting vaccinated each year.

CDC Influenza Resources

Covid-19 & Variants

Covid-19 & Variants

Prevention Measures to protect against respiratory illness like Covid-19 and Variants remain largely the same.

  • Get vaccinated and boosted.
  • Wear a mask.
  • Stay 6 feet away from others.
  • Avoid crowds and poorly ventilated spaces.
  • Test to prevent spread to others.
  • Wash your hands often.
  • Cover coughs and sneezes.
  • Clean and disinfect.
  • Monitor your health daily.

Learn More

Inclement Weather Adverse Conditions

Inclement Weather & Adverse Conditions

This 2 hour course describes adverse driving conditions and discusses techniques bus operators should use to cope with these conditions and ensure students are transported to and from school or extracurricular activities safely and efficiently.



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