
What Does a School Bus Extended STOP Sign Mean?

Posted in Blog on March 27th, 2025.

Illegally passing school buses
What Does a School Bus Extended STOP Sign Mean?
School Bus

Each year, the number of motorists illegally passing school buses continues to rise, suggesting that many drivers are either unaware of school bus laws or simply ignoring them. Why are motorists passing stopped school buses at such an alarming rate? There's no single answer. However, it likely comes down to three key factors: awareness, motivation, and education.

The National Association of State Directors of Pupil Transportation Services (NASDPTS) Annual Stop Arm Violation Survey plays a crucial role in raising national awareness of this growing problem. Stricter fines and penalties aim to motivate drivers to be more responsible. When awareness and motivation aren't enough—education is key.

To bridge the knowledge gap, we've created a free resource compiling school bus stopping laws from every state. This guide is based on the Defensive Driving Handbooks used to teach and issue driver's licenses nationwide. Together, we can work toward a future where every driver understands and follows these critical safety laws.

NASDPTS National Survey School Bus Passing Laws An Unseen Reality (Article)

Stay aware!

Patrick Willi
School Training Solutions
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