
Biking to Work 5/21/13 (Video)


Biking to Work – See what it is like to Share the Road from a Cyclist’s perspective!


I am biking to work during the month of May. My name is Patrick. I am a husband, a son, and an uncle. I am also a bicyclist. I advocate Sharing the Road.

I am also the Director of School Training Solutions.

I choose to ride a bicycle, although I own multiple cars. I pay taxes.

Patrick dressed for biking

Patrick Willi, Director of School Training Solutions, ready for biking.

May is National Bike Month.
My goal is to ride to work all month.

This is my 5/21/13 trip via my helmet camera.
I work 2.69 miles from home.
It takes 10-15 minutes to drive.
It takes 10-12 minutes to bike.
I drive an old car with “bad” gas mileage.
I’ve saved at least $60.00 this month
Cyclists are held to the same laws as automobiles.
This includes stopping at Stop Signs and Traffic Lights.
Some states make exceptions for cyclists. Know your state laws!

This is Florida Hwy 90 (aka) Nine Mine Road (Pensacola, FL) – 6:50 a.m.

Pedestrians are supposed to travel toward oncoming traffic. They can see what is coming toward them.
Cyclists are supposed to travel with traffic. We don’t see what is coming toward us, from behind.
Bicyclists rely on motorists to be courteous and safely pass us.

Unfortunately, this is not always the case.
In 2011, 677 bicyclists died in automobile related accidents.

Each morning I use 5 lights (2 solid; 3 flashing) and put on a bright orange bag.
I hope this makes me more visible to motorists.
On rainy or overcast days I add more lights and reflective clothing.
And this is only for 6 miles of riding a day.

Most states have a 3 foot rule to give bicyclists room on the road.

Cyclists are not on the road to be a nuisance.
We are on bicycles for the same reasons you are in an automobile…
…traveling to work or to the store. (Or maybe for exercise.)

Co-worker about to say, “good morning.”
Good morning Josh. You’ll beat me to the office today.

I typically average 13-14 mph on this route. My max speed is about 20 (on this route).
Road conditions have an impact. Small debris and cracks can cause problems.
I feel every bump.

Cycling to work takes planning.
I prep everything the night before. Cycling clothes. Work clothes. Food. Bicycle and cycling gear, etc.
I also have to think about when/how I’m going to run errands before or after work.

The benefits I’ve noticed:
Exercise every day.
Saves money.
Reduces stress.
Better time management.
More energy at work.

Draw-backs I’ve noticed:
Can’t carry as much stuff.

Motorists, thank you for safely Sharing the Road.

Posted in Blog, Sharing the Road, Video Blog on May 21st, 2013. No Comments.

Boston Marathon – What Can I Do to Help?

UPDATE: T-Shirt Challenge – Days 72 & 73

We are extending the T-Shirt Challenge through July 4th!

I am traveling a lot right now so uploading is delayed, but the Challenge is still going!

T-Shirt Challenge - Day #72

2012 Pensacola Beach Half Marathon - Pensacola Beach, FL


T-Shirt Challenge - Day #73

2013 New Orleans 70.3 Ironman - New Orleans, LA

As a show of support for the victims of the Boston Marathon attack, I am going to wear a different community run event shirt each day from
April 22nd – June 17th (Bunker Hill Day – Suffolk County, Massachusetts).

If you would like to follow my progress, check this blog for updates or follow me on twitter. @SchoolTraining #tshirtchallenge.



Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims of the Boston Marathon attack.

Honor the victims of the Boston Marathon attack

Boston, MA

I am a runner. I typically go for training runs in the early mornings or late evenings. I participate in events large and small. Until the other day, the only thing I really feared during training was the possibility of being hit by a car. On race-days, my wife and I are usually only fearful of dehydration. All of this is different now. It has taken me a few days to even be able to wrap my head around what occurred at the Boston Marathon. I cannot look at my running shoes without thinking about the victims. From now on, it will be hard to run in a large event without thinking, “What if?”

When I first heard about the explosions, I started following the news feeds. I saw the photos; I watched the videos; I listened to speculation; I heard conspiracies. I read Facebook messages, Twitter posts, and blogs. I am following the ongoing investigation. I have been at a loss as to what I can actually do to help.

What can I do? How can I help?

I will donate blood.
I will donate money.
I will continue to support the community running events large and small.
I will keep a watchful eye of my surroundings.
I will report suspicious actions.

As a show of support for the victims of the Boston Marathon attack, I am going to wear a different community run event shirt each day from April 22nd – June 17th (Bunker Hill Day – Suffolk County, Massachusetts).

A friend came up with this challenge and pledged a dollar a day to charity for each consecutive day I wear a different shirt.

I hope my readers, followers, Facebook friends, LinkedIn connections, and others are inspired act in a positive way in the wake of this terrorist attack.

If you choose to donate in any way, donate to well-established national or regional charities who are promoting relief efforts. Beware of bogus Boston Marathon charity websites!

As always, thank you for reading and stay safe on the roads!

Posted in Blog on April 18th, 2013. No Comments.

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