
School Training Solutions Director and Team to Participate in Bicycle Relay

Posted in Press Releases, Sharing the Road PR on April 3rd, 2013.
Individuals from School Training Solutions will cycle from New Orleans, LA to Pensacola Beach, FL.

School Training Solutions

The moment I heard about the event, I wanted to participate.


On April 5, 2013 School Training Solutions Director Patrick Willi and the STS Cycling Team will participate in a cycling relay from New Orleans, LA to Pensacola Beach, FL. During the Gulf Coast Interstate (GCI) Relay teams of runners and teams of cyclists will make the 263 mile trek along coastal roads, crossing 22 bridges, and seeing the gulf coast one mile at a time. “The moment I heard about the event, I wanted to participate,” says Mr. Willi.

In addition to helping GCI Relay raise awareness for the Center for Biological Diversity and inspire action to secure a future for endangered species by participating in the event, Mr. Willi hopes to use his experiences and stories from the bicycle relay to encourage road awareness and safety. While the team participates in the relay, the School Training Solutions blog will highlight how different vehicles interact while sharing the road.

As an avid cyclist and runner, road safety is of particular importance to Mr. Willi. “I always look for ways to improve awareness and get a ‘Share the Road’ message out,” said Mr. Willi. School Training Solutions is using Mr. Willi’s participation in this event to kick off a “Sharing the Road” campaign that will carry on through the summer and span multiple events.

For more information about The Gulf Coast Interstate Relay visit:

Original press release (PRWeb)

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